Because it's his blogiversary and everything, I've invited Sinner, from
7 Deadly Sins, over for this week's Official SobekPundit Blogger Interview. Sinner's been at this thing for a whole year now, and somehow the grinding tedium hasn't cause him to throw in the towel just yet. So without further ado...
Sobek: Thanks for joining me, Sinner.
Sinner: Lust: My pleasure.
Sobek: Uh, you're not going to do your whole "deadly sins" bit the whole time, are you?
Sinner: Pride: What? It's a funny bit.
Sobek: Well, in the context of your blog it's fine, but in a conversation it's a little ... you know ...
Sinner: Sloth: I'm not about to think up something new just to please you.
Sobek: Well, whatever. I ...
Cardinal Ximinez: NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!! Our principle weapon is surprise! Surprise and ...
Sobek: Oh, come ON, guys! You
totally screwed that up!
Cardinal Ximinez: What? Didn't he just say "I didn't expect a sort of Spanish Inquisition"?
Sobek: No! I was just about to set him up, and you bozos jumped the gun.
Cardinal Ximinez: Gee, I'm sorry...
Sobek: This isn't rocket science, for crying out loud! You had one line to listen for. One lousy line. What am I paying you people for?
Sinner: Wait a minute, you weren't just going to run through the Monty Python
Spanish Inquisition sketch and pretend it was original, were you?
Sobek: Well, I ...
Sinner: Come
on, Sobek, if you're just going to phone it in, why even bother?
Sobek: Look, I've got enough of a headache dealing with my cardinals, here. I don't need this crap from
you, too.
Cardinal Ximinez: Right, we'll start again.
Sobek: Well it's a little late now!
Sinner: I'm not going to say it.
Sobek: Oh come on. I really don't have a back-up plan for this interview. If you don't do the Spanish Inquisition sketch...
Sobek: Oh, for crying out loud!
Cardinal Ximinez: Don't give me that. I know I just heard the cue.
Sobek: That was
me, you morons! And I said "If you don't do the Spanish Inquisition sketch," not "I didn't expect a sort of Spanish Inquisition."
Sinner: Lust: look, if we're all done here, I was about to go read
Kiss 'N Blog...
Sobek: Wait just a second. I'm going to get this right if it takes all night.
Cardinal Ximinez: Right. We're going back out.
Sinner: Maybe you have all night, but I've got places to be, people to meet, commandments to break.
Sobek: Fine, just say the line and we'll breeze through this. I'll punch it up in editing.
Sinner: [Sigh] Okay, but let's make it quick.
Sobek: Great. Okay. So, uh, how did you choose the name for your blog?
Sinner: I, uh ... gee, I didn't expect, uh ...
Sobek: Yes?
Sinner: I didn't expect a, uh ...
Sobek: Yeeeeeeees?
Sinner: ... a sort of ... you know, a sort of, uh ...
Sobek: What's the hold up? I thought you said you had somewhere to be.
Sinner: Look, I just can't do it. Okay? The bit is a direct rip-off of Monty Python, and the whole punchline has already been spoiled.
Sinner: Well, if you're going to use
that kind of language, I think this interview is over.
Sobek: Wait! Come back!
Sobek: Son of a bee-sting!
Sobek: That's it, no more of these stupid interviews for me. I'm outta here.
Cardinal Ximinez: Uh, guys? You still here? Where did everybody go?
Other SobekPundit Blogger Interviews:John from WuzzaDemAce of SpadesDave from Garfield RidgeOliver WillisThe TherapistSondraKProtein WisdomVodkaPunditJack M.Bohemian ConservativeMichelle MalkinJennifer from Demure ThoughtsRight Wing SparkleSix Meat BuffetLlama ButchersNext Week:I get liquored up and shout at passing cars. Stay tuned!