The Official SobekPundit Blogger Interview: Six Meat Buffet
Welcome to yet another SobekPundit Blogger Interview, a more-or-less regular feature that I use to while away the dreary hours of my seemingly interminable existence. This week I've asked Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet to join me, and he kindly accepted. And by "accepted" I mean "screamed at the top of his lungs because Dave from Garfield Ridge can't lord it over him anymore." Preston is, among other things, an intrepid reporter who brought us penetrating exposes of water seeking revenge on humanity and a threatened attack on the New York subway system. He also sponsored the innovative "Stop the Vote" program. He also stepped up the plate last Ramahanakwanzmas with his 12 Days of Christmas gift ideas for Liberals (see especially here, here and here). So I think we can all agree that this is a special treat.

Other SobekPundit Blogger Interviews:
John from WuzzaDem
Ace of Spades
Dave from Garfield Ridge
Oliver Willis
The Therapist
Protein Wisdom
Jack M.
Bohemian Conservative
Michelle Malkin
Jennifer from Demure Thoughts
Right Wing Sparkle
Next Week:
Llama Butchers
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