After a brief hiatus, the Official SobekPundit Blogger Interview is back! By request, this week I met with
Right Wing Sparkle, a former Democrat (boo! hiss!) who became a Reaganite Republican (yeah!).
Sobek: Welcome, and thanks for joining me.
RWS: Thank you for having me.
Sobek: I, uh ... I don't mean to pry, but you seem a little down today. Is everything okay?
RWS: It's nothing.
Sobek: Are you sure?
RWS: Well, no, everything's
not okay. Iran's going nuclear, people are rioting and killing each other over a bunch of car
toons, Republicans control the Congress but can't control spending, and for whatever reason, George Clooney has been allowed to live.
Sobek: Yeah, things could be worse ...
RWS: Worse? How could they be worse? Sometimes I wish I had never been born!
Sobek: Oh, don't say that.
RWS: I mean it.
Sobek: All right, it looks like I'm going to have to use my 4000-year-old crocodile god powers to show you how things would be if you had never been born.
RWS: Whoa, I'm gonna be sick.
Sobek: Yeah, dimension-shifting can do that. Okay, look at this:

RWS: What's that?
Sobek: The Nikkei. It's three points lower than if you had been born.
RWS: Uh ... well I
guess that's kind of bad, but ...
Sobek: And look at this map of Colorado.

RWS: What about it?
Sobek: The capital city has been moved to Ft. Collins.
RWS: ...
Sobek: ...
RWS: You kind of suck at this.
Sobek: Okay, I didn't want to have to do this, but it's time to break out the big guns.
RWS: Where are we now?
Sobek: The White House.

RWS: Wait ... is that ... is that Al
Sobek: I'm afraid it is.
Sobek: It gets worse. Look at this:

RWS: It looks like half of Asia has been blown up.
Sobek: All things considered, I'd say the Nikkei is doing surprisingly well. Are you sure you wish you'd never been born?
RWS: How has my life prevented that from happening?
Sobek: Look. There are two important rules in life. Don't question Bruce Dickinson, and don't question SobekPundit.
RWS: Sorry.
Sobek: Well, we have one more thing to see.
RWS: Where are we going now?
Sobek: We're going to your husband's house.
RWS: Well if I don't exist, he's not my husband, right?
Sobek: What did I
just say about questioning
Bruce SobekPundit?
RWS: Sorry.
Sobek: Look, there through the window.

RWS: It's my husband.
Sobek: Exactly. But he's not
your husband. Let's take a closer look. Look who he married instead:

Sobek: I think you mean "I wish I
were born."
RWS: Whatever.
Sobek: Okay, back we go. I hope you've learned an important lesson.
RWS: I have. Thank you so much, Sobek.
Sobek: Boo yeah. Got my wings, baby.
Other SobekPundit Blogger Interviews:John from WuzzaDemAce of SpadesDave from Garfield RidgeOliver WillisThe TherapistSondraKProtein WisdomVodkaPunditJack M.Bohemian ConservativeMichelle MalkinJennifer from Demure ThoughtsNext Week:Six Meat Buffet
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