The Official SobekPundit Interview: Little Green Footballs
Well if you must know, I spent the last eight months working on my evil scheme to destroy my enemies, but it's kind of on hold now. I am sooooo pissed off at the real estate agent who convinced me that Port-au-Prince was the best place to build my lair.
But that's neither here nor there. How about a blogger interview? Any objections? No? Okay. I invited well-known blogger Charles Johnson, of to join me. Mr. Johnson made waves in the blogosphere in the past few months by publicly breaking with the conservative movement. I wanted to give Mr. Johnson the chance to tell his side of the story. You know, to a wider audience than his 100,000 daily readers.

Sobek: Welcome, Mr. Johnson. Let me start by asking whether you saw Dennis Prager's open letter to you about your ideological split.

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: Hey, that's uncalled for. I'm just asking a question about...

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: Look, I'm not saying I agree or disagree with Mr. Prager, I just...

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: Look, that's really obnoxious, and it doesn't even work. You can't ban me from my own blog.

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: Look, I'm serious. If you...

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: You're being a serious douchebag.

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: All right, I'm changing your interview picture.

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: Actually, you're more of a flaming douche.

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: See, you can't ban me. You're powerless here.

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: And I -- hey, change that picture back!

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: There is no way you're coming back for a follow-up interview.

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*
Sobek: You suck.

Charles Johnson: *deletes comment and bans Sobek*

Sobek: All right, this interview is over. Be sure to tune in next week, when I will astound the world by not blogging at all.
Other SobekPundit Blogger Interviews:
John from WuzzaDem
Ace of Spades
Dave from Garfield Ridge
Oliver Willis
The Therapist
Protein Wisdom
Jack M.
Bohemian Conservative
Michelle Malkin
Jennifer from Demure Thoughts
Right Wing Sparkle
Six Meat Buffet
Llama Butchers
7 Deadly Sins
Are You Conservative?
Next Week: Inertia in action.