This week I've asked Lisa the
Bohemian Conservative to join us. Lisa lives in Paris, and so she's a lot closer to and more familiar with recent news there than I am. Her heroes include
Ronald Reagan and
William F. Buckley. Her interests include
smoking crack,
Latin, and
hard-core feminism (of the violent sort, it would seem, as she ended up in the emergency room).
Sobek: Well thanks for joining me, Lisa.
Lisa: Glad to be here. And I'd just like to state, for the record, that Horus is nothing but a glorified budgie who sold out to every sandal-maker who shoved a contract under his little beak.
Sobek: I couldn't agree more.
Lisa: And Jack M. would do well to keep that in mind.
Sobek: Again, I think you're right on. Now as I mentioned, you live in Paris, where North African youths have been ...
Lisa: [snicker]
Sobek: ...
Lisa: ...
Sobek: ... I'm sorry, did I miss something?
Lisa: Nothing.
Sobek: I, uh ... well, it's just that I don't think riots and destruction are anything to laugh about, even if it is in France, both because of the example it sets for Muslim populations in other nations, and because it exposes genuine social injustices suffered by immigrants.
Lisa: No, I wasn't laughing about that, I swear.
Sobek: ...
Lisa: ...
Sobek: Okay ... well as I was saying, for two weeks now, North Africans have been ...
Lisa: [snicker]
Sobek: Now really, what's this all about? What's so funny?
Lisa: It's nothing.
Sobek: Come on.
Lisa: Okay, fine. It's just that everyone assumes all the destruction has been caused by North Africans.
Sobek: You're saying it's not?
Lisa: Let me put it this way: a molotov cocktail is not the only way to start a fire.
Sobek: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Lisa: Pyrokinesis. The U.S. government, in connection with both the Carlyle Group and the Israeli Mossad, has been secretly abducting homeless children and using experimental drug programs to train them to start fires telepathically.
Sobek: ...
Lisa: ...
Sobek: ...
Mr. Butts: Wow, this chick is pretty whacked out.
Lisa: ...
Sobek: So, uh, assuming that's true, that the fires are caused by, uh, CIA-trained pyrokinetics, how does that explain all the footage of North Africans who ...
Lisa: Karl Rove.
Sobek: Karl Rove.
Lisa: Yes.
Sobek: I see ...
Chris: See? This is what I've been saying all this time ...
Sobek: Well that's a heck of a thing.
Lisa: ...
Sobek: ...
Al: Sobek, I can't believe you're falling for ...
Hillary: ... none of which changes the fact that workers should control the means of production, in order to ...
Michael: What's up, wing-nut?
Sobek: ...
Lisa: ...
Michael: Ooh, I think I just heard an ice cream truck! Later, dorks!
Sobek: ...
Lisa: ...
Sobek: So, why didn't you blow him up, too?
Lisa: Too much surface area. There's only so much a girl can do.
Sobek: That makes sense. Well, I seem to have forgotten all the questions I was about to ask you, so I'll just thank you for your time.
Lisa: Before we wrap this up, can I ask for one request?
Sobek: What's that?
Lisa: I haven't seen Happy Jihadi in a while, and the Iraqis
did just ratify a Constitution ...
Sobek: That's a good point. May his celebratory gunfire keep us all happy jihadis.

Other SobekPundit Blogger Interviews:John from WuzzaDemAce of SpadesDave from Garfield RidgeOliver WillisThe TherapistSondraKProtein WisdomVodkaPunditJack M.Next Week:I dunno. Requests?