Last Call for the Night
I'm all done blogging, but I won't be going to sleep. Instead, I plan on watching this over and over again.
Still Pissed Off About the Hawley-Smoot Tariff
I'm all done blogging, but I won't be going to sleep. Instead, I plan on watching this over and over again.
I didn't mention the story before, but D.C. Thornton has a link to a solution that should keep Israel and Hamas both happy.
Battle-born Blogger Alexander Marriott wrote an essay criticizing Bush's Middle East democracy project in the wake of the Palestinian elections.
I never listen to Rush Limbaugh (I'm at work while he broadcasts), but today I happened to be in the car for this segment:
The 2d Circuit (covering New York, Vermont and Connecticut) and the 9th Circuit. They both struck it down because there was no exception for the life and health of the mother, so it the statute couldn't be saved by a narrower remedy.
Cindy Sheehan got arrested today, at the State of the Union address.
Does this blogroll make my butt look big?
Cindy Sheehan needs your support. Seriously. This is one cause that conservatives and liberals can get behind.
This is all over the blogosphere. A Danish newspaper carried several political cartoons depicting Muhammad in an unflattering light. Arabs went berserk and called for a boycott of all things Danish. The newspaper caved in. Dr. Rusty Shackleford has several posts on the subject (see here, here, here, here, here, and here; that first one has all of the offending pics).
By an overwhelming margin.
But if it's anything like the "scrutiny" they gave Kofi Annan and his son Kojo, I can't imagine Iran's sweatin' it much.
Yesterday, while reading through the comments section at DailyKos (and laughing my butt off about their Alito filibuster argument), I chanced upon this post, purporting to reveal yet more cronyism in the Bush White House in connection with the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).
John Kerry announced it today: he's going to filibuster Sam Alito, and it looks like Kennedy is on board, as well.
So I woke up this morning, and thought "that's odd, usually I wake up because my kids wake me up. I wonder why I don't hear either of them." I get out of bed, go to the boys' room, and there's my younger son sitting in his crib, content as can be, just hangin' out. No sign of his older brother.
I've seen a bunch of blogs, mostly conservative ones, falling for fake news reports that Canada just voted in a conservative prime minister. The obvious tip-off was the implication, in said news reports, that Canada has, like, an actual government, instead of whatever fakey-pretend thing they use to pretend they're a real country.
The New York Post has a story on Condi's proposed house-cleaning for the State Department. Registration required, so you might just want to read Vodka Pundit, who posts some of the bullet points. Here's an exerpt from Stephen Green's exerpt:
I agreed with most of this post, but I think Jeff is a little off when he says:
I just finished The Once and Future King, which is a remarkable book in a lot of ways, and a mighty quick read (in spite of its 640 pages). I highly recommend it.
... I should point out that this is really, really stupid.
Allah's got the scoop.
So, is it just a coincidence that Osama bin Laden is asking for a truce a week after air strikes killed his master bomb maker?
Yeah, we all assumed that if Dave ever started up a web site other than his blog, he'd tell us, right? Shows what we know.
I generally have a lot of respect for Liberal Larry, Professym of Midget Studies at some college in Seattle whose name escapes me. But it's more a grudging respect for his formidable academic prowess than any agreement with his substantive views. His latest post especially got my blood boiling, and I think it's about time I let him know what I think.
A reader writes: "Dear Sobek, is there an on-line, Egypt-themed game I can play to while away the hours of my meaningless existence when you aren't posting? Sincerely, Seneb Khufru."
He who lives by the bomb, dies by the bomb (cruise missile, whatever). Pakistan named three jihadis killed in a U.S. airstrike last week.
From this morning, the Supreme Court basically punted on an abortion case. In a 9-0 decision by O'Connor, the Court reversed a 1st Circuit ruling forbidding the enforcement of a parental-notification law. Basically, New Hampshire passed a law requiring minor girls to tell their parents before getting an abortion. The trial judge said the whole law was unconstitutional, and the First Circuit agreed.
I just wanted to point out that driving has been so much more enjoyable since I had those tire slashers installed.
Good news and bad news about the new Chief Justice.
By "lightning-quick" I mean "utterly imperceptible." Check out these two headlines:
By thinking about the history and present status of race-relations in America.
The crack young staff at Hatemongers Quarterly apparently just noticed something that I noticed, oh, maybe a few months ago:
From the Macon Telegraph: give us pearls of wisdom like this:
Ace says Dianne Feinstein (D - Disneyland) has basically conceded there won't be an Alito filibuster, and he's had the votes to get through the Senate since day one. Go read it, because it's one paragraph after another of utterly crushing Dem hopes. Here's my personal favorite line:
I'm packing up the computer tonight to send it off for repairs. No blogging for at least a week, probably more. In the mean time, I recommend checking out the links on my side bar, which is where you're most likely to find me commenting.
Tomorrow is Alito day at the Senate. Given my profession, and my interests in law and the Constitution, I'll be paying close attention to the proceedings. I don't have much of a chance to blog during the day, but I'll do my best to provide summaries and commentary every night.
For the two or three people out there who don't read Drudge.
I'll probably only have one post on the indictment of lobbyist/Nazi from Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jack Abramoff, because I don't really care about the story. Not because fraud by a lobbyist buying off elected representatives isn't a big deal -- it is -- but because the guy has already made a plea agreement, and he's going to the slammer for what he did. So, everything worked out in the end. As an added bonus, he's probably going to name some names in Washington (bribery is a two-way street, you see), and I like to see corrupt politicians get called out on their perfidy. And for the record, yes that applies regardless of political party.
The feds no longer consider Las Vegas to be a "high threat" for terror attacks. On the plus side, maybe that indicates that the terrorists finally realized that they shouldn't bomb the strip, because the strip symbolizes the liberal mindset of "anything goes/don't you judge me" more than almost any other landmark in America, and (according to the liberals, anyway) the terrorists only want to blow up America because it's too darn conservative.
For those of you who weren't paying attention, or who were too trashed on Jim Beam and Nyquil (Sobek's Sister, I'm looking at you) to remember, Dave Barry tells you what you missed.
I spent several hours on a father/son outing to the Valley of Fire, a state park maye 30 minutes outside of Las Vegas. I'm freakin' exhausted now, because not only did I work out this morning for the first time in four or five years, but because once I got to the Valley of Fire, I decided it would be a good idea to climb a mountin while carrying an almost-three-year-old boy.