
Still Pissed Off About the Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The Pinnacle of Fatherhood

John from Wuzzadem seems unimpressed with the man's role in the whole "becoming a father" thing. Maybe he'll be more impressed with Dave Barry's experience with fatherhood:

"So my daughter was telling my wife what was going on at preschool, and the big news was that one of my daughter's classmates, Ian, showed everybody that he could put his hand under his arm and make a farting noise. My daughter was deeply impressed by this. So my wife told her: 'Daddy can do that.' And my daugher, eyes wide, said: 'He CAN?' So now I am a hero."

So it seems I haven't yet filled the measure of my existence as a dad. That's good; it's nice to have a goal.