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Still Pissed Off About the Hawley-Smoot Tariff
A guy called a local talk radio show the other day to defend Obama's hostility to businessmen making profits, and he said something to the effect of "I believe in capitalism, but it's not unreasonable to limit the amount of profits someone can make." The radio host gave the example of a building contractor, and the caller said the contractor should split the profits with the workers.
I love National Geographic. It's about the perfect magazine for me; I love foreign countries and cultures, I love politics, I love photography, and it's all in there (even if the politics are usually lefty).
In previous comments, a Nevada resident asked me for information on judicial elections. I don't have much information to give, but here's my opinion so far (all of this is subject to change as I do further research):
In case anyone is wondering, there is a debate tonight. I will not be watching it. Instead, I will eat the New Orleans burnt sugar cake (that's "burnt sugar" cake, not burnt "sugar cake") I baked this afternoon, and studying Arabic.
Stephen Green at VodkaPundit sent his first ever mass e-mail in seven years of blogging, to promote this post. He's been kind enough to link me in the past, so I'm more than happy to return the favor.
If (when?) Obama is elected, by my estimation there’s an at least even chance
that the newly-reconstructed FCC will reverse course and attempt to apply the
New Fairness Doctrine to blogs.If (when?) it happens, I’ll break that law. I will break it with all due malice and in full knowledge of the possible consequences. I’ll shout “Fire Obama!” in a crowded theater. And then, for the first time ever, I’ll ask for reader donations. Because I’ll going to need them, lots of them, to pay for the lawyers.
"When asked whether McCain-Feingold violates freedom of speech, McCain said, I
would rather have a clean government than one where quote 'FirstAmendment
rights' are being respected that has become corrupt. If I had mychoice, I'd
rather have the clean government."
"But that law, should it pass, will not stand."
Now that I have my seed money for my evil plan to conquer the world, the next step is to get some henchmen uniforms. Like most of you, I subscribe to Henchmen Fashion Quarterly, which just put out its new winter catalogue. Let's see what we have this season:
Kinda plain. It doesn't even have a utility belt or pockets or anything. It comes in white, yellow or red, but I think they're all solid colors. I think I want a little more zip than that. Plus, the hat makes it harder to tell if a spy has knocked out one of my men and infiltrated my lair.
That's a little better. The hats don't provide much opportunity for disguise, and at least we have belts to break up the monochrome. Still, pretty boring. It needs like an insignia or something.
That won't work. Sure, we have the belt, but it's over a bright yellow sash. Not only is that hideous, but it's also not practical. I can't be spending funds on totally superfluous cloth, especially when it gives a combatant something to grip. Plus, who decided on the bright white socks and black slip-on shoes? Terrible. Is it really so hard to get something that's fashionable and practical?Item #309808 the Space Station Worker
Holy crap, that's even worse. First of all, I assume most henchmen are going to be high-functioning retards at best, but actually issuing them the dumb-kid helmets is only going to hurt morale. These have insignia, which I like, and also utility belts. I don't like the collars. It looks like tin-foil, like they were designed by the costume crew for The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Here's the other problem. On the "hers" version, they put the insignia on the chest. That's cool. I like that. Gives you the chance to surreptitiously check out her rack and pretend you're looking at the design thing. But let's be honest here. The insignia looks like a pair of testicles. And on the dude, the insignia is down near his crotch. I mean, come on. I gotta work with these people. Item #543534, the Scuba Army
No. No no no no. If any of my henchmen have prominent bellies, as this one does, I do not want them in form-fitting clothing. This is not negotiable.
And it gets worse. Orange and blue is bad enough, but when it's an orange t-shirt and blue jeans, that's just plain lazy. And no, matching orange socks and converse All-Stars do not rescue this disaster. Item #433967, the Spec-Ops Wanna-Be
I think this is where the fashion trends are heading. All black looks cool, gives at least a semblance of camoflage as long as you keep the ambient lighting low, and of course it's slimming. And I want my guys to have lots of pouches and straps and what-not, so they feel more military than, say, a bunch of scrawny dudes in orange t-shirts.
I'm just worried that this has been done to death. Maybe there's something a little less ... I don't know, traditional? Item #913542, the Stormtrooper
Eh. It looks kinda cool, but a utility belt should be an actual belt, that is actually useful, and not bits of square-shaped plastic built into the armor and made to look like a belt. This thing doesn't give enough mobility or field of vision, and the exposed joints are a serious problem. Item #913543, the Imperial Guard
Whoa, that's awsome! Okay, it may be the least practical thing I've seen -- the mask, the flowing robes that can't possibly help in hand-to-hand combat -- and it's monochrome, but the sheer badassery just might make up for the drawbacks.
But it's pretty expensive. Maybe I'll just google "uniforms" real quick and see if maybe there's something I like better. Hmm...Item #545628, the Nurse
Umm, that's probably not a good idea for a lot of reasons.
Labels: world conquest
So I've been kind of busy recently.
Labels: world conquest