
Still Pissed Off About the Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Monday, March 28, 2005

A Most Compelling Rebuttal

Again from Hans Bricks. It's hard to argue with the guy, you know?

On an unrelated note, I think that instead of "lawyer," I prefer the title "Law Man." It suggests that I know something about the law, and simultaneously brings to mind the Old West sherrif who shoots first and asks questions later. Once I pass the bar (fifteen years or so down the road), I think I'll use that title on my business cards:

Sobek Schwartz
"Law Man"
Legal Gunslinger Since 2019

I might have time to post more thoughts on the Schiavo case later today. If what I've written so far has been muddled, it's because I feel so muddled on the issue. It is, to say the least, a complicated case. I will state unequivocally that in the usual case, I support a spouse's rights to make medical decisions, even where it conflicts with the wishes of the parents. The question, then, is whether this case should be an exception to that general rule, and if so, why (and how we ought to draw the lines of that exception). I know that not everyone here agrees with me - some of you will say that no spouse should ever have the right to terminate treatment. I'm simply not willing to go that far.