
Still Pissed Off About the Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Monday, June 13, 2005

Democrats Are Sexy

The Man at GOP and the City has a photoshop/caption contest up, featuring a girl with a shirt that reads:

"Democrats are sexy... Whoever heard of a nice piece of elephant?"

And I must say, although I disagree with their politics, I think the young lady is right. History has shown that Democrats beat Republicans in sheer sexual magnetism by ...

... okay, now, that's a total cheap shot. Besides, it doesn't prove anything. I mean, just because one Senator from Massachusetts happens to be a little ...

... GAAAAAH! - (Image courtesy of the Llama Butchers) - okay, fine, maybe it's the whole freaking state. But again, it's a logical fallacy to try and take a few examples and extrapolate a conclusion that ...

HOLY CRAP!!! Dude, you gotta warn a guy before ...

What is that thing attacking Sharpton's head?

Okay, seriously, this all ignores the point I was trying to make. Just because Democrats have in the past elected some people who look like some sort of medical experiment doesn't mean the typical Democrat isn't ...

Okay, I stand corrected.

I guess now we know why the t-shirt had text but no picture.